Diagnostic Support,

MedBrain is a diagnostic support system for healthcare
professionals working in resource-scarce settings.

The Problem

A Global Diagnostic Gap

Physicians in Low and Middle-income nations need a diagnostic solution that is universally affordable and accessible, whilst remaining as accurate as current gold standards. Here is where we come in.

The Problem

Shortage of Qualified Physicians

Doctor : Patient Ratios

  • High-income Nations: 3,2/1000 inhabitants
  • Low-income Nations: 0,3/1000 inhabitants

Source: Global Health Observatory, WHO.

The Problem

Shortage of Specialist Knowledge

Medical Workforce

  • High-income Nations: 23% General Practitioners
  • Low-income Nations: 78% General Practitioners

Source: Global Health Observatory, WHO.

The Problem

Shortage in Health Expenditure

Annual Governmental Expenditure

  • High-income Nations: 3.000$ per capita.
  • Low-income Nations: 40$ per capita.

Source: Global Health Observatory, WHO.

The Problem

Shortage of Diagnostic Resources

Access to CT Scanners

  • High-income Nations: >15/million inhabitants
  • Low-income Nations: <1/million inhabitants

Access to MRI Scanners

  • High-income Nations: >7/million inhabitants
  • Low-income Nations: <0.3/million inhabitants

Source: Global Health Observatory, WHO.

50% of the World’s Population has no access to basic diagnostics

Shortage of Qualified Physicians

Shortage of Specialist Knowledge

Shortage in Health Expenditure

Shortage of Diagnostic Resources

Our Solution

A Reliable Clinical Diagnosis,
Available to Every Patient

MedBrain guides physicians, nurses, and community health workers through every step of the
diagnostic process and helps them reach accurate diagnoses with primary care resources.


Clinical Interview


Physical Exam


Differential Diagnosis


Diagnostic Prediction

Clinical Interview

During your clinical interview, you will be able to insert your patient’s presenting complaints and medical history. For most symptoms and risk factors, MedBrain will ask you to fill our carefully curated templates to improve the quality of your anamnesis and case history. Richer clinical data leads to higher diagnostic accuracy!

Physical Examination

A thorough general and focused physical examination is key to diagnostic success. Here you will be able to insert the physical signs present (or absent) in your patient, and improve the quality of your examination by following our custom templates for each individual physical sign.

Differential Diagnosis

Based on the clinical information presented, MedBrain generates a probabilistic Disease Rank, from which a dynamic pretest differential diagnosis is performed, selecting the most important additional questions to ask the patient regarding presenting complaint or medical history, as well as the most important additional physical signs to identify or rule out. The differential keeps getting dynamically redirected as MedBrain recalculates its probabilistic Disease Rank after every individual answer.

Diagnostic Prediction

You’ve done your clinical work, now let MedBrain work its Bayesian magic. In a matter of seconds you will receive an accurate, pretest diagnostic prediction from our clinical reasoning engine. MedBrain will also give you insight into the reasoning behind its diagnostic prediction, by showing you the evidence it contains on the disease or condition that has been predicted.

MedBrain can narrow the Global Diagnostic Gap and
help achieve SDG 3.8, Universal Health Coverage

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A Revolution in Global Health

MedBrain can narrow the Global Diagnostic Gap and help achieve SDG 3.8, Universal Health Coverage

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Validation of Our
Diagnostic Accuracy

Internal Validation

We have obtained a pretest Diagnostic Accuracy of 95%

To internally validate MedBrain’s pretest diagnostic accuracy, we have used 500 externally-sourced, publicly available patient cases, published by reliable sources in the medical literature (British Medical Journal, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School). MedBrain provided the correct diagnosis in 475 out of 500 cases.

Current market averages for pretest diagnostic support systems have been measured in several different systematic reviews, as 34% (H. Semigran et al., 2015), 36% (M. Hill et al., 2020), and between 19-37% (W. Wallace et al., 2022).

MedBrain performs at an unprecedented 95% pretest diagnostic accuracy. Our internal validation is publicly available and can be reproduced by anyone.

Clinical Validation

MedBrain is being validated by Emergency Medicine physicians at Parc Taulí Hospital in Barcelona, Spain.

MedBrain’s performance is currently being evaluated through a clinical trial led by Emergency Medicine physicians at Parc Taulí Hospital, with the objective of measuring MedBrain’s pretest diagnostic accuracy in a real clinical setting. Parc Taulí Hospital is aiming for a research publication if enough patient data is collected.

We will soon be expanding our research network to all kinds of hospitals and primary care centers around the globe. If you are interested in trying out MedBrain in your health center, please do contact us!

Meet Our Team

MedBrain exists at the intersection of clinical medicine and data science. Our highly experienced engineering and analytics team is powered by Lambdaloopers. Our medical advisory board includes 25+ NHS physicians who work closely with us, sharing their expertise and advising us throughout our journey.

Pol Ricart, MD

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Iñaki Alegría

Chief Medical Officer

Alex Cáceres

Chief Technology Officer

Pol Ricart, MD

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Pol is a medical doctor and former resident in neurosurgery at the NHS. After acknowledging the global diagnostic gap and the potential of data science in diagnostics, he left his career in neurosurgery to build MedBrain full-time.

As CEO, he leads innovation by identifying market needs and leveraging data science, medical statistics, and gathering clinical feedback from our team of medical advisors and from different stakeholders in the healthcare industry. He runs daily operations, helping lead our medical and engineering departments to ensure OKRs are met.

Pol has been previously selected as a Global Top 50 entrepreneur by The Kairos Society (K50, 2017) and by Singularity University (Global Grand Challenge Awards, 2017), and has been featured as a Top 50 Global Entrepreneurs to Watch in the Next Decade, by Inc. magazine.

Pol studied multilateralism, diplomacy, and humanitarian action at the United Nations (2019). This experience helped shape his understanding of the massive inequities in global health. He also studied Neurobiology and Social Entrepreneurship at Harvard University (Extension School, 2011).

Iñaki Alegría, MD MSc

Chief Medical Officer

Iñaki is a medical doctor and specialist in paediatrics. He graduated from the University of Barcelona and specialized in pediatrics at the General Hospital of Granollers (Barcelona). He also obtained a master’s degree in international health and cooperation from the Autonomous University of Madrid and is certified with advanced pediatric and neonatal life support (ALSN) by the European Resuscitation Council.

His vocation to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable children led him to Ethiopia and to found the NGO Alegria Sin Fronteras (www.alegriasinfronteras.org). In Ethiopia, where he has more than 10 years of professional experience, he has worked as medical director at Gambo General Hospital (www.gambohospital.org ). He has worked on the front line in the response to the COVID19 pandemic, measles epidemics, and participated in the improvement of the national maternal and child health program supporting Ethiopian health institutions. He has extensive experience in coordinating emergency nutritional projects, maternal and child health, and has led a wide range of health projects in Ethiopia, Senegal, and Angola. Iñaki is president of the cooperation section of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona (COMB) and member of the committee of experts of the FCOMCI (Foundation for International Cooperation of the Collegiate Medical Organization). He is also a member of the international cooperation working groups of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

In addition to his healthcare and humanitarian work, he also develops his career as a university professor, teaching courses in medical school on the most prevalent diseases of childhood (Integrated Management of Child Health Illness) and is regularly invited as a speaker at national and international conferences, such as the World Pandemics Forum. His work and career have been recognized with national awards such as the Spanish Association of Pediatrics or the International Health Society and at the international level where the Ubuntu award as a social leader for the defense of health, awarded by the Euro-African forum, stands out. He has been interviewed by many national and international media and recognized by iSanidad as one of the forty professionals to transform the healthcare system.

Alex Cáceres

Chief Technology Officer

Alex is an experienced, full stack software engineer. He leads our software development team at MedBrain. Alex constitutes the bridge between the engineering and medical teams, and helps provide technological solutions to MedBrain’s innovation requirements.

Before embarking on MedBrain, Alex had previously successfully developed projects in the MedTech, Cybersecurity, Legal, and Travel industries.

He has a postgraduate Degree in Full Stack Web Technologies (UPC Technology Center), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering (UPC School of Aerospace Engineering).

Alex’s technical skills include: Languages/Frameworks: Javascript / Typescript – Node, Express, React. Python – Django. Java – Spring. PHP – Laravel, Infrastructure: MySQL – MongoDB – PostgreSQL. Kubernetes – Docker. CI/CD – Jenkins – Bash Scripting. AWS – G Cloud – Azure DevOps.

Contact us to request a demo or for any other enquiry.

Hospitals and primary care centers can start using MedBrain today!